Saturday, 25 January 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014 (Vanessa)

Week Three, Day 2
Causes of World War I: "The Domino Effect" 

  • Two World Wars killed all the Europeans. They left all the European subjects.
  • Before 1914, Europe was the center of the world.
  • In the years before the World War I, they could not imagine and picture what it would be like.
  • They cheered the war in all the great cities, such as London and Berlin.
  • Those who did not die suffered for the rest of their years with limbs, or rot.
  • Everyone agreed that there were no wars like this one, and that nobody could stand that.
  • Each sacrificed at least 16% of the male population.
  • After the war, they were feeling quite excited and relieved. Nobody recognized any weapons.
Notes from Vanessa's presentation
  • The Domino Effect is like the falling down of other blocks when you push one of them down.
  • The Domino Effect also has the same meaning with Causal Relationships.
  • The Kaiser, Wilhelm II, had once said: "Our future lies upon the ocean." What he meant was that the ocean was essential to build a bright future. That was why German started to build its navy.
  • After knowing that German built a navy, British felt challenged and still wanted to be recognized as the place that held the biggest navy.
  • As the competition between these two heated up, British built Dreadnought. So as we can see, this all happened because of a quote from the Kaiser, about the ocean. Without him quoting that, there was a big possibility of this not happening in history.
  • Franz Ferdinand of Austria was a prince, who fell in love with a woman named Sophie. They were not allowed to be in a relationship because Sophie was not rich.
  • It all started on June 28th, 1914. When both Ferdinand and Sophie were walking in Serbia, a Serbian shot them, causing them to die in the end. The 1st World War happened, all due to the assassination of two innocent people: Ferdinand and Sophie.

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