Know what caused the world economic
depression of the 1930s
The three main factors contributing to the severity of the Great Depression
The over-stimulated economic euphoria of the 1920s.
- The draconian monetary policy pursued by the Federal Reserve Bank from
The sudden rise of global protectionism leading to the collapse of world
trade. The dramatic rise of income taxes in 1932 may have also prolonged the
Know how many people were unemployed in
Germany in 1932.
6 millions people.
Know what the feelings were of the German
people and the world toward the treatment of Germany in the Treaty of
Versailles. LAGER
The german people felt pain,
angry and unfair toward the treatment of Germany in the Treaty of Versailles.
Know what the political weaknesses were of
the Weimar Republic.
- Reichstag (parliament) had too
many small parties with no party strong enough to get the majority, no
government to get its laws passed the reichstag
- Article 48 which state in
emergency the president did not need the agreement of the reichstag but it did
not say what emergency was
Know what were the economic problems were of
the Weimar Republic.
Hiperinflation, rising prices,
Know which two sources or groups that
produced the most effective propaganda against the Weimar Republic.
Nazi and communist party
Know why the appeal of Hitler and the Nazis
increased between 1929 and 1932
Nazi exploited the jobless caused
by Great Depression and dissatisfied voters
Know about Adolf Hitler’s family background:
father and mother, siblings and their relationships with Hitler.
Father : Alois Hitler
Mother : Klara Poizi
Siblings : Paula, Alois Jr,
Edmund, Ida, Angela, Gustav, Otto
Know the results of Hitler’s applications to
the Academy Of Fine Arts Vienna in 1907 and 1908.
Hitler was twice denied
admission to the drawing class for the reason of unfitness in painting.
Know what happened to Adolf Hitler during
Hitler had volunteered by
enlisitng in Bavarian Regiment. Despite his good record and a total of 5
medals, he remained a corporal because his superior felt he lacked leadership
Know the abbreviations of the different
political parties during the periods.
Communist Party (KDP)
Social Democratic Party (SDP)
Catholic Centre Party (BVP)
Nationalist Party (DNVP)
Nazi Party (NSDAP)
Know when Hitler appointed Chancellor of
30 January 1933.
Know Adolf Hitler's title in Nazi germany?
Fuhrer which means leader or
Know the national German Slogan during the
Nazi Regime.
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Einch
Know the BIG 4 under Hitler and their
functions in government or military: Heinrich Himmler, Herman Goering, Martin
Bormann, Joesef Goebbels.
Heinrich Himmler : Military
commander, leading member of Nazi Party
Herman Goering : military
leader and leading member of Nazi, found Gestapo in 1933
Martin Bormann : head of party
chancellery and private secretary to Adolf Hitler
Joesef Goebbels : German
politician and Reich Minister of propaganda in Nazi German
Know about Kristalnacht.
Kristalnacht was a series of coordinated attacks against Jews
throughout Nazi Germany and Austria on 9–10 November 1938, carried out by SA paramilitary forces and non-Jewish civilians.
Know about Volksgemeinschaft
A racially unified and hierarchically organized body in which
the interests of individuals would be strictly subordinate to those of the
nation, or Volk. Like a military battalion, the people’s community would be
permanently prepared for war.
Know about Hitler’s territorial
re-acquisitions in the 1930’s (German lands taken during ToV)
Rhineland (demiliterised zone
along Rhine River in western Germany, Austria and part of Czechoslovakia.
Know the general terms of The Treaty of
Versailles, especially as to limitations of the German military.
Army – was to be reduced to 100,000 men and no tanks were allowed
Navy – Germany was only allowed 6 ships and no submarines
Airforce – Germany was not allowed an airforce
Know the reasons and issues concerning the
hyper-inflation of 1923
German printed money to cover
the cost. This signalled to the outside world that Germany did not have enough
money to pay for her day-to-day needs and whatever money may have been invested
in Germany was removed by foreign investors. Such a drop in confidence also
caused a crisis Germany itself when prices started to rise to match inflation.
Very quickly, things got out of control and what is known as hyperinflation set
in. Prices went up quicker than people could spend their money.
Know how long Hitler envisioned the Third
Reich lasting.
1000 years (The fact was it
lasted 12 years)
Know about the Kapp and Beer Hall Putsches.
Kapp Putsches also known as the Kapp-Lüttwitz Putsch, after its
leaders Wolfgang Kapp and Walther von Lüttwitz — was a coup
attempt in March
1920 aimed at undoing the results of the German Revolution of 1918–1919, overthrowing the Weimar Republic and establishing a right-wing autocratic government. It was
supported by parts of the Reichswehr (military)
and other conservative, nationalistic and monarchistic forces.
Beer Hall Putsches was a failed attempt by the Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler with leaders
to seize power in Munich, Bavaria, during 8–9 November 1923.
Know about the SS.
SS, abbreviation of Schutzstaffel, (German: “Protective
Echelon”), the black-uniformed elite corps of the Nazi Party. Founded by Adolf Hitler in
April 1925 as a small personal bodyguard, the SS grew with the success of the
Nazi movement and, gathering immense police and
military powers, became virtually a state within a state.
From 1929 until its dissolution in 1945,
the SS was headed by Heinrich Himmler,
who built up the SS from fewer than 300 members to more than 50,000 by the time
the Nazis came to power in 1933. Himmler, a racist fanatic, screened applicants
for their supposed physical perfection and racial purity but recruited members
from all ranks of German society.
Know about the Polish Corridor issue and the
city of Danzig.
The Polish Corridor also known as Danzig Corridor, Corridor to the Sea or Gdańsk Corridor, was a territory
located in the region of Pomerelia (Pomeranian Voivodeship, eastern Pomerania, formerly part of West Prussia), which provided the Second Republic of Poland (1920–1939) with access to the Baltic Sea, thus dividing the bulk of Germany from the province of East Prussia. The Free City of Danzig (now the Polish city of Gdańsk) was separate from both Poland and Germany. A similar
territory, also occasionally referred to as a corridor, had been connected to
the Polish Crown as part of Royal Prussia during the period 1466–1772
Know about the agreement Hitler had with the
Pope on church issues.
and the Catholic Church signed an agreement that he would not interfere with
the Catholic Church while the Church would not comment on politics.
Know about the economic recovery programs by
the Nazis: SdA, KdF, RAD9
The SdA was set up to improve
working conditions for German workers, such as the safety of machinery, the
ventilation workshops, noise level and so on. SdA was a subsection of the Kraft
durch Freude (KdF = strength through joy) programme organised by Robert Ley who
was head of the DAF (German Labour Front). Obviously all of these were to try
to ensure the workers as productive as possible.
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