- German city
- old buildings
- people selling foods and flowers in the market
- many Nazi Flags (the design of the Nazi Flag is different from the current flag)
- horses helping farmers pulling carts
- a group of small students walking home from school, carrying backpacks
- everyone had a job
- entire population works on rebuilding Germany, everybody was busy building something
- by 1933, everybody was learning how to plough and plant so Germany could have enough stock of foods and no one needed to starve if they work together
- they prepared sticks to grow beans, put strings, water the crops then pulled the beans in order to harvest it
- Volksgemeinschaft was the program found by Hitler that recovered the economy of Germany
- Volksgemeinschaft means people's community. This expression becomes popular during WW1 as the Germans rallied in support of the war.
About the swastika on the middle of Nazi Flag
- was introduced by Hitler in mid-1920
- the word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika - su means good, asti means it is and ka is a suffix
- swastika literally means it is good.
That's it for today! :D
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